Personal Goals Review 2021 #3

Andy Callow
3 min readOct 10, 2021

I’ve done this for a few years now. At the end of 2020, I set out some personal goals for 2021, and reviewed at Q1 & Q2. It’s now time to review progress at Q3.

TL;DR: Broken collar bone still impacting 3 measures. Everything else ok.

Summary table of performance metrics set out in each quarter. The detail for Q3 is in this article

>> Read 50 books. On target, 45 books read so far. This year I also added some sub-targets:

  • Read three Victorian classics. On target. A Hardy in Jan, a Gaskell in June.
  • Read three books to educate myself more about race. At risk. 1 read so far — Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility in Feb.
  • Finish the long-neglected Biography of Ceasar — no progress.

>> Summarise 100% of non-fiction books read. On target. Read and summarised 12 so far.

>> Cycle 4000 miles. Massively under target and one that I’ll not hit this year. 1604 miles cycled so far this year, due to breaking collar bone in May and it still not healed. Have done 280 miles walking since the end of June to try and compensate a little.

View my strava training calendar, showing all activity by month. Can see things dropping off after collar bone break in May

I can barely look at my Strava Fitness and Freshness chart and know that its going to be a horrible period trying to get back to some kind of fitness I was feeling back in May.

Strava Fitness and Freshness graph, showing a massive decline in fitness since May 2021, with a score over 100, to now with a current score of 17

>> Cycle a Gran Fondo each month. Will not acheive target — 5 done so far and suspect I won’t be fit enough again this year to do any more with the collar bone healing so slowly.

>> Write 10 Blog Articles. 7 done so far.

>> Get 2,000 Twitter Followers. 1779 (87 gained in this quarter). But still lagging well behind my colleagues Debbie, Simon and Ian (I’m the orange line on the plot below).

>> Get to my target weight. Was making progress before collar bone, then went on holiday and it went to pot big time, but back at zero % again. Think hitting the target this year is at risk now.

>> Spend more time with my family and friends. Same as Q1&Q2. Spending a lot of time with immediately family, but missing wider family and opportunity to be with friends.

>> Write weeknotes. No target (intentionally). 25 done so far this year.

>> Write two “Thought” Pieces. Achieved. Did a few things in Q1, nothing more significant since. Have a couple in draft, but not happy enough with them to click publish yet.

>> Achieve a Coaching Qualification. No progress.

>> Achieve Certified Healthcare CIO Status. Achieved!

Any Adjustments in targets? Not going to hit any of the cycling targets.



Andy Callow

Husband. Dad to 3 smashing lads. Cub Leader. MAMIL. CDIO for Nottingham University Hospitals. Ex UHN and NHS Digital. Views own. Always learning.