Personal Goals Review 2021 #1

Andy Callow
2 min readApr 2, 2021


I’ve done this for a few years now. At the end of 2020, I set out some personal goals for 2021. It’s now time to review progress at Q1.

TL;DR: Reasonable start to the year, but don’t ask about my weight.

>> Read 50 books. On target, 16 books read so far. This year I also added some sub-targets

  • Read three Victorian classics. On target — read a Hardy in Jan.
  • Read three books to educate myself more about race. On target — read White Fragility in Feb.
  • Finish the long-neglected Biography of Ceasar — no progress.

>> Summarise 100% of non-fiction books read. On target. Read and summarised 6 so far.

>> Cycle 4000 miles. A little bit under target. 789.5 miles cycled so far this year. The 849 below includes 10 miles of running and 50 miles of walking.

>> Cycle a Gran Fondo each month. Slightly below target — 2 done so far. It’s taken me a bit to get to a fitness level where I can actually do this distance again, but feeling ok about this target.

>> Write 10 Blog Articles. 4 done so far.

>> Get 2,000 Twitter Followers. 1555 currently. But still lagging well behind my colleagues Debbie and Simon.

>> Get to my target weight. Doing so bad on this. Moving on...

>> Spend more time with my family and friends. Spending a lot of time with immediately family, but missing wider family and opportunity to be with friends.

>> Write weeknotes. No target (intentionally). 13 done so far this year.

>> Write two “Thought” Pieces. Acheived. Done quote a few things — not sure if they are all truly “thought” pieces:

>> Achieve a Coaching Qualification. No progress.

>> Achieve Certified Healthcare CIO Status. On target. Joined BSC, put in an application for FEDIP and started the CHIME materials. Exam in June.



Andy Callow
Andy Callow

Written by Andy Callow

Husband. Dad to 3 smashing lads. Cub Leader. MAMIL. CDIO for Nottingham University Hospitals. Ex UHN and NHS Digital. Views own. Always learning.

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