Personal Goals Review 2021 #1
I’ve done this for a few years now. At the end of 2020, I set out some personal goals for 2021. It’s now time to review progress at Q1.
TL;DR: Reasonable start to the year, but don’t ask about my weight.

>> Read 50 books. On target, 16 books read so far. This year I also added some sub-targets
- Read three Victorian classics. On target — read a Hardy in Jan.
- Read three books to educate myself more about race. On target — read White Fragility in Feb.
- Finish the long-neglected Biography of Ceasar — no progress.
>> Summarise 100% of non-fiction books read. On target. Read and summarised 6 so far.
>> Cycle 4000 miles. A little bit under target. 789.5 miles cycled so far this year. The 849 below includes 10 miles of running and 50 miles of walking.

>> Cycle a Gran Fondo each month. Slightly below target — 2 done so far. It’s taken me a bit to get to a fitness level where I can actually do this distance again, but feeling ok about this target.
>> Write 10 Blog Articles. 4 done so far.
>> Get 2,000 Twitter Followers. 1555 currently. But still lagging well behind my colleagues Debbie and Simon.

>> Get to my target weight. Doing so bad on this. Moving on...
>> Spend more time with my family and friends. Spending a lot of time with immediately family, but missing wider family and opportunity to be with friends.
>> Write weeknotes. No target (intentionally). 13 done so far this year.
>> Write two “Thought” Pieces. Acheived. Done quote a few things — not sure if they are all truly “thought” pieces:
- Where are all the NHS CIOs
- The journey of a speculative Tweet
- How not to suck at NHS Job Applications
- Discussing CIO representation and innovation (Evolution)
- Interview Series: Andy Callow, Group CDIO at Kettering and Northampton hospitals (HTN)
>> Achieve a Coaching Qualification. No progress.
>> Achieve Certified Healthcare CIO Status. On target. Joined BSC, put in an application for FEDIP and started the CHIME materials. Exam in June.