Weeknotes s07e07
TL;DR: Discussing Social Network mapping. Lecture at NTU. EMAP DDC CIO session. Filling gaps in Shadow Committee.
[week ending 07/03/2025] (a double weeker)
Who did you talk to outside of your organisation?
- Meeting with Nottingham Trent University as part of our quarterly Strategic Group Meeting.
- Conversation with Nikki, Director of Intensive Support from the North West from about some transformation work she’d been involved with, including some lessons learnt from one Trust on the impact of transitioning from their financial recovery programme strategic partner.
- Fascinating call with Mark from Ethical Consulting about Network Mapping, also known as Social Network Mapping. I was interested in this as it featured heavily in the Warwick University evaluation of the 5 NHS Trusts linked with Virginia Mason Institute 2015–2020. As I learn more about this, the more I appreciate the potential to support change programmes and developing organisational development interventions.
What did you learn? This week I delivered my first lecture for Nottingham Trent University, for the first year Computer Science Undergraduates. I was asked to specifically talk about Cyber Security and what it means for our organisation. The session was split in two, so I delivered the same lecture twice in a row; 40 minutes lecture + 10 mins for questions.

The final bit of the talk made a pitch for why working in the the public sector, and the NHS in particular as being an excellent career choice, making the case that there isn’t much bigger in size and scale in the UK, and the choice between Shell and the NHS would mean very different ethical choices.

The questions from the students were really thoughtful and showed that some had listened (despite appearances to the contrary). I’ll be working with contacts from NTU to work out what I do next, having offered some other ideas.
What did you enjoy? We have just re-started a mentoring programme across NUH and I was delighted to spend some time with my allocated mentee and get to sort out the “contracting” bit of the mentoring relationship.
A really good session with the other EMAP DDC CIOs, facilitated by Adrian (Organisational Development expert) from NUH where we spend a bit more time getting to know each other, reviewing our shared goals and expected behaviours. Adrian did a great job of keeping us on track, helped us use a “rounding” tool (see photo) and I think we all got a lot out of the session.

I attended the Medical Staff Committee Evening supper. As well as the meal being delicious, I met some Consultants I’d not met before, plus some I’d been on an interview panel with a few weeks ago.

We had a brilliant Digital, Information and Transformation Leadership meeting. We talked about our response to the planning guidance; Making the most of the systems we already have; What we need to do to make sure EPR is the only game in town. As part of our ice breaker, we also heard some hilarious stories, including a big reveal of one of our group who drunk a drink from a dirty ashtray for a fiver!
What did you achieve?
Worked with Will (UHL + UHN CDIO) to complete the EMAP DDC EPR support tender evaluation over several evening sessions — with final clarification presentations from suppliers and a moderation session.
Paul (CFO) and I spent time with PA Consulting (our strategic partner for our financial sustainability programme, reviewing the items left to complete in this financial year and those to prepare the way for 2025/26. It was a very fruitful conversation and helped frame the work we’ll do together over the next few weeks.
With the help of Claire and Clive, we shortlisted from the people who had submitted an expression of interest to join the Digital and Data Strategic Committee Shadow Committee. There was more interest that I feared, which made it one of those good but difficult sessions. Next step is for me to get in touch with the line managers and ensure I have their support for involvement.
Presenting an update on the Digital and Information Strategy at the Finance and Performance Committee.
A really excellent catch up with Beth from Medical Engineering.
Lots of stuff for the Digital and Data Strategic Committee (DDSC): Chairing the Feb meeting. Sorting out the agenda for the March meeting. Writing Chair’s summaries for sharing with the Trust Leadership Team. Drafting and reviewing some papers for the next meeting.
Lots of reading in relation to two Resolution of Employment Concerns (REC) processes I’m involved in — as Stage 1 manager and also Appeal Hearing manager.
I joined the NUH REACH staff network meeting. I’ve agreed to give an update on the DDSC shadow committee next time round.
Attending the Major Programmes Sub Group meeting. Lisa joined me to present an update on the EPR programme and we talked about if and how the QMS programme should also be docked in. There is a question on the form and function of this meeting now that the Tomorrow’s NUH hospital rebuild programme has been pushed out to 2037.
Joining the Audit Committee meeting and giving an account for a Limited Assurance audit report in my area.
What are you looking forward to next week?
- EPR All Hands face to face meeting
- Trust Board
- Mentoring session
- In-depth session with PA Consulting
Interesting Stuff read/consumed:
- Why the CIO role should be split in two.
- XGBoost is All You Need — Part 7. Following on from Marcos’ talk at the Machine Learning Special Interest Group, this seemed a good thing to read to learn more.
Books finished since last weeknote:
- Fiction: The Black Box by Michael Connolly
- Fiction: The Life Impossible by Matt Haig
- Non-Fiction: None
Currently Reading:
- Non-Fiction: The Extra Mile: A 21st Century Pilgrimage by Peter Stanford
- Non-Fiction: Black History for Every Day of the Year by David Olusoga, Yinka Olusoga and Kemi Olusoga. This will be in this section for a long time as I’m only reading one or two days per evening.
- Fiction: The Rat Catcher’s Olympics by Colin Cotterill