Weeknotes s03e39

Andy Callow
Web of Weeknotes
Published in
5 min readNov 5, 2021


TL;DR: Group Executive Team sharing Hogan personality profiles. Board Development, Annual Meetings.

[week ending 05/11/2021]

Who did you talk to outside of your organisation? A quick chat to someone looking to move into the NHS. They had observed how it hard it is to move into the NHS, and how many person specifications require prior NHS experience. I have no idea why Trusts to this, as there are so many jobs with transferrable skills, something I wrote about in my blog “Why you need a CIO on your NHS Trust Board”. Writing this has reminded me I have a few follow actions to do — introducing them to a few folk in my network.

I had a chat with one of the prospective NGH COOs ahead of interviews next week. I’m going to be chairing one of the stakeholder groups.

A really interesting coversation with Rachael from Coventy and Warwickshire ICS, talking about the data work they’d done to create a Patient Tracking List through their BI team. This is of massive interest as we’ve been doing some work to procure a system to do this, which we’ll continue working on in parallel to finding out more.

A good catch up with the Eddie, the regional Digital lead for the Midlands. Inevitably we talked about the various business case processes underway at the minute as well as children, diversity and my recent blog article.

I attended the first of the weekly national CIO touchbase. Teams meeting for all CIOs across England, hosted by Sonia. I was only able to join for the first 30 minutes, but seems like this is going to be a useful information exchange forum. There was a good update on Windows 11 and also some stuff about the future developments of the NHS Electronic Staff Record, which is a common source of frustration across the country.

What was a key event? This week we said goodbye to Anna, wishing her all the best for her new role. Anna, has been instrumental as CAHPIO (Chief Allied Health Professional Information Officer) in supporting Kettering’s digital journey over the past couple of years. She’s really developed during that time, not least through the NHS Leadership Academy Ready Now programme, so I look forward to seeing. Looking forward to seeing more TicTocs etc from Anna in her new role!

What did you learn? I joined a workshop on the forthcoming MyPlannedCare system for which NGH are going to be the early adopter for Northamptonshire. This is a patient-facing national system to share waiting times for each ICS by speciality. There’s a very short timescale to fill in the necessary templates, so we’ve working carefully with the operational teams to get the stuff ready.

I attended my first Digital Leaders bookclub.I’ve been meaning to join for a few months now, but never managed. So I was delighted to hear from Tom Loosemore and Andrew Greenway talk about the second edition of Digital Transformation at Scale. I read the first edition when I was preparing to join KGH back in 2019, and Tom’s definition of Digital is used extensively in UHN’s job descriptions and our Digital Strategy. I tried not to be too much of a fan boy as I asked a couple of questions.

We had a Group Executive Development day, where we reviewed the Hogan profiles we’d all completed. There are three components:

Photo of the UHN Group Exec range of HPI values

Given that our most recently member of the Group Exec team has only been with us five weeks, it was a great opportunity to find out a bit more about how we relate and operate when we are at our best and also when under stress. There was a lot of honesty and sharing and found the whole day quite emotionally tiring, but incredibly valuable.

What did you enjoy? I did a Presentation Skills workshop as part of Black History Month (yes I know, one day late!). I talked through some of the things I’ve leart along the way, not least the things I learnt when I spent some time with Daniel Craig’s acting coach, Ken Rea. I’ve been asked to run the session again and is also on my list of things to capture in a future blog article.

screen grab of slide — picture of me looking daft and the text “#2 Have a positive mindset”
What an idiot

This week was the Annual Members Meeting at KGH and the Northampton Annual General Meeting. These are good moments for looking back at the year and seeing all that has been acheived, particularly given impact of Covid.

I really enjoyed the moment when Tendai shared access to PowerBI with several members of the leadership team and the Chair. This is one of the key visible deliverables of the Health Intelligence Firebreak.

Power BI dashboard showing operating theatre productivity data

What did you achieve? Created a few reports for the Group Digital Hospital Committee next week:

  • A review of progress on the Group Digital Strategy
  • A summary of What Good Looks Like and Who Pays for What and what it means for our group
  • A summary of the various funding pots we’re bidding for

Mark and I presented a challenge session responding to challenges raised by our REACH networks at the Group Board Development Day. As two Boards, we discussed what more we could do to corporately and personally to move quicker on racial equality. We had some good round table discussions, and Mark and I have a collection of notes to collate over the next week or so.

I also updated the Winter model based on the Aug and Sept data, and re-ran the monte-carlo analysis that was done back in the summer.

What are you looking forward to next week?

  • NGH COO Stakeholder session as part of the interviews
  • BCS launch event
  • ICS Digital Transformation Board
  • Group Digital Transformation Board

Interesting Stuff read/consumed:

  • Nothing noted which is strange for me!

Books finished this week:

Currently Reading:



Husband. Dad to 3 smashing lads. Cub Leader. MAMIL. CDIO for Nottingham University Hospitals. Ex UHN and NHS Digital. Views own. Always learning.