Weeknotes s01e35

Andy Callow
Web of Weeknotes
Published in
6 min readOct 4, 2019


TL;DR: Getting a flu jab and KGH Employee Excellence awards.

[week ending 04/10/2019]

Monday — Quick catch up with Exec colleagues sharing our week ahead, then into the Trust board meeting which started with a demo of the electronic observations that we’ll be going live with later this month. The demo didn’t quite go as I’d hoped, so looking to show colleagues the system in other ways over the next few weeks. We then saw an incredibly moving video about Ned, who sadly died as a result of the flu virus and rare complication related to it. We then had the privilege of meeting Nikki and Dan, and Gus, Ned’s twin, who were keen to use their devastating situation to encourage everyone that there is no reason why you shouldn’t have a vaccination if you are able to have one. They are heroically supporting the campaign for getting more people to get the jab this year.

The Board continued with key discussions about the move to SPC reporting and the first draft of a revised board report using this method, an update on the EPR programme, the annual mortality review, the medical revalidation and freedom to speak up. At lunchtime we kicked off the Trust’s flu jab campaign by the Board getting vaccinations. At the same time, 20 information analysts from across the county were in a NHSI training session, learning more about developing SPC using SQL. One final meeting after board, then two of us braved the rain and went on the third Exec team bike ride. Turns out that the reproofing I paid to for my “best” cycling coat earlier this year was purely theoretical exercise.

Preparing for the flu jab
Mark and Andy after the wet bike ride

Tuesday -Started with a 1–2–1 with one of my team. Then a meeting about an incident, which delayed me joining the EPR Ops Group. Just managed to join for the discussion about the Theatres go live and the lessons to be learned from quite a bumpy week. Left early from that meeting to join our weekly Exec team meeting where we discussed the week ahead and some exciting new for the Trust. We then headed off for the Executive Group Meeting Time out off site. Colleagues from the three clinical divisions gave some feedback on the work they’re doing to support the Trust’s strategy. The agenda went out the window due to the all the good stuff that is going on. There were a lot of really positive things happening at a ward/division level that is not visible to other areas. We need to explore a simple way for teams to share their good work within the Trust. The NHS Academy of FAB stuff is one potential – or a public-facing Wiki. I’d rather it wasn’t just internal as we miss a trick to be as open as possible in our sharing.

Wednesday — Had a catch up call about the information development project. We have some strategy development workshops later in the week, so we talked through some of the practicalities and my love of post-its. Then joined a call about our inventory management project which is moving on nicely. I now need to arrange a visit to see it in action. Managed to tick off some other things on today’s list which includes reviewing some EPR Project Manager CVs, preparing for a supplier meeting tomorrow, putting together some thoughts for an ongoing incident.

Thursday — Did a call with one of our suppliers -worked through a few items where we can make more of the software we already have. Then a catch up with one of the EPR team. Had a couple of meetings cancelled in the morning which allowed me to progress on a few other things on my plate and also created space for a couple of people to drop by, one who asked me to mentor them. I’m a massive advocate for coaching and mentoring, so was keen to try and help. We had a discussion about how that might work and what they’re looking to get out of that arrangement. We will give it a go and review in a couple of months. In their afternoon joined one of our Challenge meetings, where we review all the things we’ve agreed to do. There are a number of Carter recommendations relating to Information and ICT that I updated on. Then an incident management meeting, followed by a meeting with a potential supplier. Then in the evening it was the Employee Excellence Awards 2019. I’ve been to some lame presentation events in previous organisations, and was wondering what to expect. This was an absolutely fantastic evening, celebrating the brilliant achievements of those who had been nominated but their peers. The evening kicked off with a short performance from The Timewarpers who are the KGH panto performers, and I just about managed to dredge the moves for the Timewarp from the past. The Exec team presented some of the awards and I had the privilege of acknowledging the nominees for the Non-Clinical Employee of the year. The winner was Charles, who exemplifies the Trust’s CARE values every day. It was great to see so many people being given their 25 years long service award. I was also delighted to meet someone who’d worked in the Trust for nearly 47 years! Roll on the 50 year service award Wendy!

Kettering General Hospital Employee Excellence Awards — Empty Room
KGH Non-Clinical Employee of the Year 2019 — Charles

Friday — Two workshops to progress creation of our new Information strategy. Some really good engagement and some good ideas for the future captured.

Interesting Stuff read:

Books finished this week:

  • Fiction: None.
  • Non-Fiction: None.

Currently Reading:



Husband. Dad to 3 smashing lads. Cub Leader. MAMIL. CDIO for Nottingham University Hospitals. Ex UHN and NHS Digital. Views own. Always learning.