Personal Goals Review 2024 #2
Here we go again. As has become my pattern at year end, I set out some personal goals for 2024 and did a review in Q1. It’s now time to review progress at Q2.
TL;DR: Smashing the cycling and reasonable progress elsewhere.
>> Read 50 books. Good progress since Q1, now at 22. Progress on the sub-targets:
- Read two Victorian classics. Zero read so far.
- Read three books to educate myself more about race. One read so far — Inglorious Empire.
- Finish the long-neglected Biography of Ceasar — no progress.
>> Summarise 100% of non-fiction books read. On target. Read and summarised 11 so far.
>> Cycle 4000 miles. Significantly over target. 3,295 miles cycled so far (compared to 1,777 miles this time last year). Big ride in May made sure I was getting in the miles. Another big ride in Aug should keep me motivated to keep going.
>> Cycle a Gran Fondo each month. 11 done so far this year.
>> Cycle to Work 3 times a month. 11 so far this year. I keep thinking I need to discount the week when it is not possible, due to logistics, leave or being on a training course but feels like a bit of a faff/excuse.
>> Get 3,000 Twitter Followers. 2,937 currently.
>> Get to my target weight. Was doing brilliantly in May, but slipped a bit since then.
>> Write weeknotes. No target (intentionally).
>> Write two “Thought” Pieces. One written — How not to suck at NHS job offer negotiations.
>> Do Some Substantial Research. Still chasing up the FOIs I sent out in November 2023. Turns out that using FOI as a data gathering tool in the NHS is painful and some have still to reply >160 working days after my request.
Next update — October 2024…