My Personal Goals for 2025
Here we go again. I’ve been doing this annual goal setting since the end of 2018. I’ve found it good way to keep track and more effective than New Years Resolutions.
TL;DR: Dropped Twitter and Weeknote targets. Upped cycling target.
Summary of the Goals
>> Read 50 books. [No change in target]. Last year I read 43 books. Reading a book a week on average still feels like the right balance between an achievable target vs making it another burden. Within this target are some sub-targets :
Read two Victorian classics. I had a target to read two last year, and only managed to read one. Going to keep the target at 2.
Read three books to educate myself more about race. This is the same target as last two years. This reading list from Strand Book Store continues to be a good source of material.
>> Summarise 100% of non-fiction books read. [No change in target]. I’m still finding the three-sentence summary useful when I’m trying to remember which book said what thing.
>> Cycle 4500 miles. [increased target by 500 miles]. I’ve had 4,000 miles for 6 years now, but having achieved over 5,000 in 2024, I reckon it is time to push that a littl more.
>> Cycle a Gran Fondo each month [No change in target]. A Gran Fondo is 100km. Last year I did 20, but there were 2 months when I didn’t do one and then caught up in other months.
>> Cycle to Work 3 times a month [No change in target]. I didn’t achieve this last year, as some weeks the logistic just don’t work out, but still want to try and maintain a good average.
>> Get 1,000 Bluesky Followers. [New target]. This is a completely pointless and arbitrary target, but will track this as I’ve moved largely off X and moved to Bluesky as my primary social media platform.
>> Get to my target weight. [Small tweak target to be a little more realistic]. Having failed to achieve this for 5 years have made the target a little less ambitious. I’m too vain/embarrassed to actually declare the value of this target.
>> Write two “Thought” Pieces. [No Change in target].
>> Do Some Substantial Research. [No Change in target]. I need to get the FOIs I recieved summarised and written up.
Targets Removed
>> Write weeknotes. I’ll still keep doing this, but doesn’t add anything to keep track of this as one of my targets.
Next update — April 2025…