PinnedThe dire state of cloud-first strategies in NHS Trusts in 2020With all the money spent on the UK’s Digital Global Exemplars (GDEs), I’d expected to find a collection of cloud-first policies. Sadly notAug 16, 20201Aug 16, 20201
Published inWeb of WeeknotesWeeknotes s07e07TL;DR: Discussing Social Network mapping. Lecture at NTU. EMAP DDC CIO session. Filling gaps in Shadow Committee.5d ago5d ago
Published inWeb of WeeknotesWeeknotes s07e06TL;DR: Encouraging conversations with Unis. Ambient Scribing demo. Board Development and Darzi. Tech-enabled house visit.Feb 15Feb 15
Published inWeb of WeeknotesWeeknotes s07e05TL;DR: Radiology System Frustrations. Race Equality Matters 5 Day Challenge. Tiger Team evaluation.Feb 7Feb 7
Published inWeb of WeeknotesWeeknotes s07e04TL;DR: Thinking about our Data Warehouse. Marcos on the CIO Touchbase. SLF session and our transformation schemes.Feb 2Feb 2
Andy Callow Curated Article IndexThis is a summary of all the non-weeknoting stuff I’ve written, consolidated in a single place.Jan 26Jan 26
Published inWeb of WeeknotesWeeknotes s07e03TL;DR: Rationalising responses to set backs. Delivering Reflection workshop. Green shoots with UoN.Jan 26Jan 26
Published inWeb of WeeknotesWeeknotes s07e02TL;DR: Good supplier meeting. On being a T-Rex. Planning for consultancy exit. NUH Panto week.Jan 18Jan 18
Published inWeb of WeeknotesWeeknotes s07e01TL;DR: QMS Paper approved at Board. Learning more ML terminology. Evaluating the Digital and Data Strategic Committee Shadow Board.Jan 10Jan 10
My Personal Goals for 2025I’ve been doing this annual goal setting since the end of 2018. I’ve found it more effective than New Year ResolutionsJan 1Jan 1